Moderna vila, zasebni zunanji bazen, 50 m od plaže, otok Hvar
Otroška posteljica in otroški stol
Otroška posteljica je na voljo na zahtevo.
Otroški stol na voljo na zahtevo.
2 parkirni mesti vključeni v ceno
Zasebni bazen
Zunanji zasebni bazen (sladka voda)
Velikost bazena: 24 m ^ 2
Spalna sposobnost
Število ležišč: 8
Število pritrjenih ležišč: 8
Kuhinjska oprema
4-obročna keramična kuhalna plošča, pečica, hladilnik, zamrzovalnik, pomivalni stroj, napa, toaster, aparat za filtriranje kave, mikrovalovna pečica, mešalnik, grelnik vode, ožemalnik limone
4 spalnice in 3 kopalnice
Dvoposteljne sobe: 2
Dvoposteljne sobe: 2
Kopalnica s kadjo: 2
Kopalnica s tušem (lastna kopalnica): 1
V mirnem zahodnem delu mesta Hvar, 50 metrov od morja in majhnih prodnatih plaž, je počitniška vila Hvar z zasebnim vrtom in zunanjim bazenom.
Villa Mare obsega kuhinjo / jedilnico / dnevno sobo, štiri dvoposteljne sobe, tri kopalnice in teraso. V pritličju je prostorna kuhinja / jedilnica / dnevna soba odprtega tipa s francoskimi okni, ki se odpirajo na pokrit del zasebnega vrta z vrtno garnituro, ki vodi do zasebnega zunanjega bazena.

Pošljite nam povpraševanje in naša strokovna skupina vam bo pomagala
Vzemite si nekaj časa in spoznajte cilj
Otok Hvar
kaj pravijo naši gostje
” Everyone was nice and helped with everything. Location is amazing and the villa is perfect for large groups. Thanks to everyone. Everyone was helpful and great.”
” We were 6 adults and an 8 month old baby. Everything was provided and it was scrupulously clean. Lovely 15 to 20 min pedestrian walk along the shoreline. Hula Hula club was even closer but never heard it from our villa. Would highly recommend the villa. Host was extremely helpful. Thank you for all your help with booking and taxis. All ran very smoothly.”
“From the second we booked, the staff at the villa were helpful with quick responses to questions. Frane and his staff really go the extra mile to make the booking and the stay a great experience. The villa is fabulous. Everything looks new or fairly new, it’s equipped with everything we needed from a dishwasher to cutlery & crockery. A full sized cooker and fridge/freezer. It’s air conditioned and a great size. The beds are comfortable, wardrobes are adequate and everything works. The pool is a good size and we only went out to eat on three occasions(one was a wedding) because we were so relaxed in the villa. There’s a well stocked supermarket literally a few minutes away. We were in and out of the pool most of the day. There’s good WiFi and a TV but we never used it. Will we return 100%! “
“Nice house for big groups with a really good location, walking distance from everything in Hvar.”
“Great place, recommended!”